As an individual, I do not have the financial resources to cover the expenses associated with participating in the IRENA Youth Forum. However, I believe I should be considered for financial support by IRENA for the following reasons: 1. Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals: My active involvement in various charitable initiatives and community-building efforts demonstrates my commitment to advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), good health and well-being (SDG 3), and quality education (SDG 4). By participating in the IRENA Youth Forum, I aim to further contribute to these goals and leverage the knowledge and skills gained to drive positive change in my community and beyond. 2. Potential for Impact: Despite my financial constraints, I am passionate about renewable energy and sustainable development and possess a strong desire to contribute meaningfully to the global energy transition. I believe that participating in the IRENA Youth Forum will not only enhance my personal and professional growth but also equip me with the tools and insights needed to make a significant impact in advancing renewable energy initiatives within my community and region. 3. Diversity of Perspectives: As a young leader from a developing region, I bring a unique perspective and firsthand experience of the challenges and opportunities related to sustainable energy development in my context. By attending the IRENA Youth Forum, I can contribute diverse viewpoints to discussions and collaborate with peers from around the world to explore innovative solutions to common challenges. 4. Commitment to Continuous Learning: I am dedicated to lifelong learning and recognize the importance of staying updated on the latest developments and best practices in renewable energy. By receiving financial support to attend the IRENA Youth Forum, I will have the opportunity to engage with leading experts, participate in interactive sessions, and gain insights that will enhance my capacity to drive positive change in the renewable energy sector. In summary, while I am unable to provide funding for my participation in the IRENA Youth Forum, I am committed to leveraging this opportunity to further my personal and professional development, contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and actively participate in global efforts to accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future.