first of all: the basic : 1-pronunciation:this may mean learning some symbols which are different from the letters of the English alphabet ,e.g : θ th in thick ϑ th in then 2-word stress :often shown by a mark before the syllable to be stressed or by underlining or bold type e.g: middle /ˈmɪdəl/ 3-usage :how a word is used and any special grammatical pattern that goes with it ,e.g :suggest +clause (not an infinitive) i suggest you ring her right away . second : additional information : 1_synonyms :(words of similar meaning )and antonyms(opposite), e.g: mislay=misplace friend X foe +enemy 2_collocation (how word go together ) ,e.g:the adjective firm is often used in this collocations :firm commitment , firm grip,firm believer . 3-whether the verb is transitive or intransitive : catch is transitive and must have an object ,e.g:he caught the ball and threw it back to me . laugh is intransitive does not need an object . she laughed when i told her the news . 4-whether the words is used for people or-and things.In this entry for the objective hurtful we can see that hurtful can be used about what someone says (thing)or about someone (people). 5-word class (often as abbreviations n noun,adj adjective ,adv adverb ,etc..)and whether noun is countable or uncountable . 6- information about how words are related to one another through meaning e.g: fascinating =entrancing=enthralling = enchanting=captivating=bewitching=absorbing =engrossing=gripping riveting the adjectives are grouped according to meaning .this can be very useful when you are writing.if you want to very your use of adjectives,you can look up the related adjectives to see which one(s) most closely express(es) the meaning you need.