Health Education Program on Breastfeeding 1. Health Problems Expected for Mothers and Babies Health Problems for Mothers: .Cracked nipples .Breast engorgement .Mastitis .Low milk supply .Postpartum depression Health Problems for Babies: .Difficulty latching .Poor weight gain .Jaundice .Gastroesophageal reflux .Dehydration 2. Select One Problem Needing Health Education Selected Problem: Low Milk Supply Reason: Low milk supply is a common issue that causes significant anxiety for new mothers. Healthcare providers need to know how to help mothers enhance milk production and provide appropriate advice and techniques. Education on this issue can increase mothers' confidence and promote successful breastfeeding. 3. Objectives of the Proposed Health Education Program .Increase awareness among healthcare providers about low milk supply. .Teach appropriate techniques to stimulate milk production. .Equip healthcare providers with tools to offer psychological support to mothers. .Improve breastfeeding rates through continuous support and proper guidance. .Enhance communication between mothers and healthcare providers about breastfeeding issues. 4. Method Used in Health Education and Reasons for Choosing It Method: Interactive Workshops Reasons: .Interactive workshops allow for active participation between healthcare providers and learners. .Provide opportunities for hands-on training on various techniques to stimulate milk production. .Enable discussion of individual cases and provision of customized solutions for each situation. .Encourage the exchange of experiences and ideas among participants, enhancing group learning. 5. Evaluating the Success of the Program Evaluation Methods: .Pre- and Post-Training Questionnaires: To measure improvement in healthcare providers' knowledge and understanding of the issue. .In-Depth Interviews: To obtain qualitative feedback on the effectiveness of the workshops and observed changes in practice. .Long-Term Follow-Up: To monitor improvements in breastfeeding rates and health outcomes for mothers and babies. .Performance Monitoring: To assess how healthcare providers apply the acquired knowledge and techniques in their daily work. Conclusion: This health education program aims to enhance the ability of healthcare providers to support mothers in addressing low milk supply, contributing to a successful and healthy breastfeeding experience for mothers and babies.