Not agree, Famous people are a specific group who receive wide attention in all aspects, whether global or international news in the media and social media platforms, which constitutes a strong group and which has a strong status in this time.Of course every famous has satisfactory and unsatisfactory criticism of society, society loves the celebrity who brings them something good, and if he does not bring something good, inappropriate criticism will appear that the celebrity does not like, and conflicts will arise in the courts and elsewhere, but the famous person must accept that.In short, famous people's lives, like other people's lives, differ according to the person's nature, his idea, his vision of life, and the goals and values he adopts, which all age groups, most of whom are teenagers who follow their example, see.second reason, is due to his public places and if she or his children are present with him, so he does not enjoy comfort in the outing and is worried that anyone might interrupt his photos from afar and publish them on social media, and some famous people do not publish their private lives .The third reason is also criticism.Of ideas and concepts, on well-thought-out plans and not just for money, and we must stay away from them and not implement everything that is published.The movie all day is indispensable, which is being by some famous influential people.This time is because you are allocating it. High-speed Internet is like lightning, everything is in the blink of an eye.