Firstly Internal factors to boost competitiveness: Web improvement and innovation: Web design: If we glance at the present design of the web site, it's very monotonous and straightforward. It lacks main color tone and thus it's not appealing for the shoppers. Thus the online site should be redesigned and more dynamic and appealing layout and features must be added. Web language: the most language of the web site is Spanish but if we notice than the Airbnbs caters the shoppers of just about 191 countries, thus while entering within the website, the language option should be provided to the purchasers for his or her simple operating it. Customer’s services: A strict and accurate management system: Trust is that the biggest issue when it involves hosts and guests. A review system is being developed by Airbnbs during which both hosts and guests will have the choice of rating one another. But this is often also hampered as they'll rate or review themselves and thus the rivals can take the advantage of it. this can also result in ignoring the important and authentic reviews. A greater focus should incline to review system by Airbnbs . Some reasonably OTP system is introduced to authenticate the review and if any of the host has quite specified negative review should be far away from the list. Loyalty programs: a particular amount of total transaction is being charged by Airbnbs whenever there's a transaction between guest and hosts. There’s no loyalty program for the regular customers and every customer is treated similarly. So as to encourage guests, some quite promotional tools must use. Free breakfast for group of 5 or more sale 20% of fee charged if that host has quite 30 guests this month quite plans are often introduced by AirBnB. Secondly External factors to mitigating current and future risks Legitimize the business: The biggest issue associated with Airbnbs among the government is that the impact of Airbnbs on the availability of affordable future housing. Because the short term rentals are more attractive than the future, there's a apprehension within the government that almost all of the landlords will ignore the future rental and can choose short term rentals. It can result in supply shock as lowering the provision will impact the worth of the housing. The largest threats for this sort of phenomenon are associated with people who have multiple properties registered with Airbnbs which are termed as “commercial users”. so as to regulate these “commercial users’ some reasonably coordination must be held between the Airbnbs and also the government. this is often more expected from Airbnbs because it aims at providing affordable housing. Improve safety and insurance for hosts: It isn't advisable to own strangers in your house at midnight and the other way around. Theft, destruction of property, kidnapping are the probable threats which are related with the Airbnbs apartment and thus the shoppers choose to stay in hotel. After all most of the insurance companies isn’t providing coverage for Airbnbs host. The attempts should be made by Airbnbs to arrange some comprehensive insurance plans which may mitigate the chance aloof from the insurers