1.Which factors are more critical in shaping the leader's mindset: (1) hereditary factor, (2) personal traits, (3) behaviors?Long-term goals: Expand into new markets, achieve industry leadership, increase market share by 15%, develop sustainable business practices, foster a diverse and inclusive workplace.These appraisals help identify strengths and areas for improvement, set goals, and provide feedback to enhance performance and productivity.I motivate my employees by setting clear goals, providing regular feedback and recognition for their achievements, and offering opportunities for growth and development.Thus, the presence of good management is important because it has a sound belief, clear vision, and mission that directly impact the employees and their ability to achieve the desired goals, whether they are internal or strategic goals at the organizational level.For example, if there are daily, weekly, or monthly tasks in a company, innovation can come from someone who suggests using artificial intelligence to accomplish some tasks.Short-term goals: Increase sales by 10%, improve customer satisfaction, launch a new product, reduce operational costs by 5%, enhance employee training.Before taking a managerial decision, the typical process involves gathering relevant information, analyzing data, and considering various options.What is the extent to which you rely on delegation to your subordinates while performing work tasks?Therefore, the quality and effectiveness of management depend on clear goals, which in turn reflect on the employees' understanding of their roles and responsibilities, whether in the short or long term.characteristics that a good manager should possess Firstly, a manager who can lead, someone who has leadership qualities and a clear vision./ For me, I am in a team with different nationalities, including Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, and Omanis.Approvals may be required from higher-level managers or executives, depending on the decision's significance.The extent to which I depend on centralization versus decentralization before taking decisions also ?It depends.In your opinion, which personal qualities or traits should a good manager possess?The most important point is to gather information from subordinates and connect the upper management to transfer insights and plans clearly and accurately.For example, if our plan today is to make 500 tons more, but because of things like the COVID-19 sickness or a war nearby, it affects how much we can make.And which actions do you take o ensure high levels of innovation?Innovation is about producing new things in the organization that help accomplish tasks in a better, faster, easier, and cost-effective way.Why do you think high levels of customer satisfaction is essential for your organization's survival?What are the typical rewards and challenges in your managerial job?One of the most important points is motivation, so how can we motivate them effectively 7.The persons involved usually include the manager, relevant team members, and stakeholders who may be affected by the decision.I evaluate the effectiveness of work performance through regular performance appraisals.Additionally, motivating employees and listening to them are important.To what extend does the organization depend more on planning or intuition in taking decisions?In general, customers are a reflection of the quality of service, the speed of service, and the speed of delivering the product you provide.Customers have the freedom to choose, so if you do not provide excellent service that meets their requirements or budget 6.This is also one of the challenges as each person has a different background and high level of expertise.There are many reasons why they may not be satisfied, such as salary, job tasks, job title, or the team they are working with.If we do it, it will make a big difference in the plan and the manager will focus on tasks that will give us a lot of benefits.And who are the key responsible persons in achieving them?Which approvals are typically required?What is the organizational chart of the organization?The picture of how a place works is called an organizational chart.