The lecture will cover population health, the scope of health improvement initiatives, and the main objective of promoting community health rather than just individual health.Assurance: responsibility for ensuring essential components of an effective health system are in place.?Manage epidemics as one of the population health dimensions ?Assure food and drinking water safety ?Decrease diseases preventable by vaccination ?Boost the health of mothers and children ?Monitor health issues ?Increased Purpose of Population Health: ?Injury ?Violence ?Obesity ?Substance abuse ?Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).?Natural disasters and bioterrorism Assessment: obtain data to define health of populations and nature of health problems.?Create strategies and policies to assist in efforts to promote community and individual health.arranging for the provision of nursing and medical care in order to treat and diagnose illnesses early.?Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquired immune deficiency.?Essential roles in public health include: ?Diagnose and analyze health problems and health hazards in the community.