Risk ID Risk Description Probability Data Availability and Quality: Limited or poor- quality reviews may affect the effectiveness of summaries.Establish user feedback channels for improvement.Regularly train and fine-tune the model with relevant contextual data Aliah Contingency Develop fallback strategies to provide alternative information or prompt users to seek additional sources.High Impact Severity Owner Mitigation High Medium Ruba R2 Medium High Medium Atheer R3 High High Raghad R4 Low High High Ensure a diverse dataset with high-quality reviews.Collaborate with Google Maps team to develop mechanisms to identify and filter out fake reviews Establish a process for monitoring and tracking changes in the Google Maps API and review structure.Provide disclaimers to users about the limitations of the summarization system and encourage them to read the full reviews for detailed information R1 Medium Nouf High HighLanguage and Cultural Variations: Reviews in different languages and cultural nuances may lead to inaccurate or insensitive summaries.Develop a system to verify and validate reviews.