Over the past couple of decades, there has been a large rise of mobile phones, and subsequently the rise of social media platforms.Digital natives are defined as "individuals whose childhoods were surrounded by advancing technologies, screens, pushing of buttons, and social networking sites" (Hollenbaugh, 2019). An annual survey conducted by Pew Research (2014) found that, "Social media natives are more likely to use multiple social media applications than older digital natives and digital immigrants.9 Baldwin et al.: Social Media Use and Awareness of Privacy Concerns Published by DigitalCommons@CSP, 2023 The second question asked "How much concern do you have about your privacy on these social media platforms?". The value of p is .000031, with the result significant at p.05. The researchers conclude that there was a change in concern from watching the video on social media privacy risks. The result is significant [p = .000877], meaning there was a change in concern over social media sites collecting user data. The fourth question asked participants to indicate their level of agreement to the statement, "I am concerned that social media sites do not devote enough time and effort to preventing unauthorized access to my personal information"."Private profiles may reflect a particularly strong discrepancy between online and other 'public' performances; a particularly strong sensitivity to any such discrepancy; or a general tendency towards role compartmentalization, even if the roles are compatible. Each of these possibilities, however, suggests a particular cultural disposition" (Kaufman at el, n.p).1 https://digitalcommons.csp.edu/comjournal/vol8/iss1/1 DOI: https://doi.org/10.54416/HQWT8424 views.8 [2023], Art.8 [2023], Art.