Absurdity: Samuel BeckeW's most famous play Wai0ng for Godot was actually wriWen in French in 20th century.o One of the most no1ceable features of the play is uler absurdity: Vladimir and Estragon dress shabbily, engage in physically useless ac0ons, and partake in clownish nonsensical conversa0ons.To sum up, BeckeW portrays the contemporary condi0on of modern men living in a purposeless macrocosm and mourns his indiscre0ons.BeckeW's emphasis on the absurdity of human behaviour shows both the tragic and comedic sides of the existen0al crises.Hence, wai0ng for Godot is a cue for modern human of their capaci0es and of their responsibility to choose the way towards taking steps and du0es.BeckeW describes two goalless characters in a world of isola0on and no purpose.They absurdly wait endlessly for an unchanging situa0on to change when it is clear Godot will never come.The play mainly concentrates on the psyche of the characters.The absurdity of this circumstance of the characters appears from their hope for a life with a purpose.They occasionally discuss ending their wait by hanging themselves or simply leaving, but absurdly, they never take any ac0on.This possibility of aspira0on that never comes leads to comedy as well as tragedy.The unavoidable conclusion is that human existence itself is absurd.