The social and mental position of indivdualism are obviosly shown in the poem. Eliot creates kind of individual with prufrock who is isolated and senstive thinker and fictional character. He is subconscious and he is always thinking about what people are thinking of himand how he is presenting himself to others. Eliot is describing real things like the cheap hotel ,the smoke and fog in the city. Prostitution takes place in the poem. The character sees the moment of his coat ready to pick him up and laughing at him. Alienation where Prufrock assumes that the womenn are attentive towards him . The characer's obssesion with the question he works to ask. Prfrock says that he is not Hamlet or a hero and he's frustrated with himself and how women judge him and look at him. Although those are not positive traits, they are very realistic to the time. Prufrock is the model of all modern contemporary man at that time and he is very cynical and skeptical.