Is Right, Right?Investigate the question, and you find a lot of confusion on right versus left.About a quarter of the world drives on the left, and most of those countries used to be British colonies In England people drive on the left, but on escalators they stand on the right, so that people who are in a hurry can go up on the left.But France didn't conquer England, so England kept its custom of driving on the left.In Japan, they drive on the left, too, but people usually stand on the left on escalators.There are different explanations for the use of right versus left.Some people say that in Europe hundreds of gears ago, people rode their horses on the left.They were ready to pull out their sword and fight to defend themselves with their right arm, There is also evidence that ancient Greek, Egyptian, and Roman troops used to march on the left side.One idea is that in the 1700s, people in France and in the United States started to use wagons with several pairs of horses and to drive on the right side of the England, people always drove on the left, and in France, people always drove on the right In any case, Napoleon, a ruler of France, ordered people to drive on the right side in the early 1800s.