THE GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD VS. THE DIRECT METHOD The first principle that we choose is The Grammar Translation Method .SKILLS TO BE IMPROVED: In direct method, oral communications skills were built up in a carefully grade, and in grammar translation method, primary skills to be improved reading- writing.CONCLUSION: Through the realization of this work is more clear to us the difference between this two methods, as features teachers we have to know and understand it in order to make a class productive, and using the best of the didactic methods in education, we are going to improved the knowledge of our students and at the same time we will have the opportunity to experiment with different types of education to choose or create our own method.This method is derived from a method of teaching Latin and Greek which is also called as Classical Method ; it is used to teach foreign languages .In grammar translation method, the role of the teachers is not very active because they just limit their work to translate for the students.STUDENT'S ROLE: The students are very actives, their oral communication skills are emphasized, and they have to speak a lot in direct method.This is another method of teaching foreign languages but it is way different than Grammar Translation Method .Therefore, there are a lot of oral presentations , spontaneous use of language and little grammar rules are involved.The purpose of the method is to ensure the students to make good pronunciation as little emphasize on their ability to write .VOCABULARY: In direct method, the vocabulary is learned through practice everyday, and in grammar translation method, the vocabulary is learned from the direct translation of the L1.The accuracy from the students is expected and they have to practice by translation in grammar translation method.At the same time, the translating part is where they are using their first language to be translated to the second language and vice versa.This method is actually a response to Grammar Translation Method .It focuses more on speaking and listening on everyday vocabularies.It is also a way to keep their native language lives .