Challenging Workplace As a leader in campus organizations, Samira Tanaka, a student, often led projects and took deadlines very seriously.What universal leadership attributes did Samira exhibit?At orientation for her internship, Samira learned that Japanese compa- nies historically had little diversity in terms of race and gender.This ensured that the company invested in local businesses that operated in tradition- ally economically disadvantaged areas.Japanese advisers were perceived as focusing on the creation of consensus in teams, often leading to slow decision making.Her manager praised her as being very dependable, as planning deadlines well, and as being very compe- tent at her tasks overall.Samira ultimately realized that her workplace was different from the campus atmosphere she was used to. If she wanted to be an emerging leader in the workplace, she had to better adapt to her new environment.Questions 1.In an effort to adapt to North American norms, Japanese subsidiaries had well-developed diversity policies.For example, Samira tracked the usage of minority-owned businesses in the company's supply base.Samira successfully completed two internship rotations and was about to graduate from college.In what way did this company reflect the characteristics of other Confucian Asia countries?Investing in the local community was already an important business value in Japan, so this was a simple adaptation for Samira's company.She always offered her opinion on how things could be done better, and sometimes even initiated tasks to improve processes on her own.Although she saw her- self as an emerging take-charge leader, Samira always downplayed her ambitions.Some of her peers at work advised her that it was important to con- sider working at a plant near her hometown because it would be closer to her family.Her strong work ethic led to an internship offer at a Japanese automotive company.Women in Japan were not as prevalent in the workforce as in North America.Feedback was indirect from both Japanese and North American managers.