One day there was a happy family who went to the park for a walk, and while the father and mother talked together the son went to play, and after a short time the parents looked and did not find their son as he was busy playing and moved away from them and could not return, and the parents searched for him a lot, but he did not We can find it. After fifteen years had passed, the mother was going to the hospital to check on her health and with her husband, and when they entered the doctor's room, the mother found that the doctor's hand had the same mark that was on the hand of her young son, so the mother was astonished by that and asked him about his life when he was young and about his parents, and he answered her The doctor said that he did not remember his family and that he was living in the orphanage after he was lost from his family, so the mother cried vehemently and told him that her son had also lost it when he was young and was unable to find him, and the father embraced him and told him I did not expect to find you by chance.