SUPER SIZE ME n this brilliant and innovative documen- tritional guidelines.True, it 'good for you." The idea came to him after might be possible to order a more healthy reading about two fast-food loving, New York meal: a small, plain burger, for example, with teenagers who sued McDonald's as the source a diet soda and a small French fries, but how of their weight problem. He would film him- many customers actually choose meals like self as he carried out an experiment, which this? consisted of living for 30 davs on a strict diet In the movie Spurlock implies that what of fast food. The rules were simble: he had to he undergoes in a month, many Americans ex-eat three meals a day at McDonald's. he had to perience over a longer period of regular fast-try everything on the menu at least once, and food consumption. The statistics appear to he always had to "super-size" his meal if support his theory that America's waistlines have expanded in direct proportion to the ex- Before starting his diet, Morgan had a pansion of fast-food chains.Spurlock also comprehensive medical exam--he was in very backs up his implications with solid reporting good shape- and the doctors predicted that about the state of school lunch progtams, to the diet would have little ettect on his voung, show how schools are promoting the junk healthy body.offer a quick, relatively cheap meal.