Who Was the Term's Originator?Current Testing Standards Mark Fewster and Dorothy Graham wrote the first book on software automation in 1999, covering all aspects of software test automation, including strategies and methods.The need of software quality assurance was originally highlighted in 1951 by Joseph Juran, who is generally regarded as the founder of software testing, in his book "Quality Control Handbook." Additionally, he described the quality planning, control, and improvement components of QA management. Regarding the history of software testing today, in 1957 Charles L. Baker made the first clear distinction between program testing and debugging in a book review. A year later, Gerald M. Weinberg established the first testing team for Project Mercury, the nation's first human spaceflight program. Subsequently, the lexicon of software testing evolved, evolved, and expanded until it became distinctly differentiated in Glenford J. Myers' 1979 book "Art of Software Testing."After that, this thing breaks down, and at that point, "Bugs," or small flaws and difficulties, appear. This requires months of intense observation, research, and work before commercial success or failure is assured. The Originator of Software Examination People made significant advancements in computer technology during World War II, creating potent electronic computers that could crack codes and learn the details of adversaries' communication. Grace Murray Hopper is credited for officially coining the terms "computer bug" and "debugging" in the history of software testing by the time the war ended in 1945.Realizing this, engineers across the world started looking for a process that could both eliminate errors and ensure that the finished product performed as intended.