In view of the elements identified in this work, it appears that bio stimulation stimulated by laser or ultrasound seems to represent a therapeutic advantage for multiple applications in orthodontics. The mechanism of action described in the scientific literature is the stimulation of cell metabolism. Boistimulation by laser or ultrasound seems to be effective in accelerating healing, reducing pain and inflammation and reducing the duration of the orthodontic treatment. Bio stimulation is also described as being able to be used in dental cabins for the treatment of pain in tempro-mandibular joints and for the treatment of facial pain ... Despite these positive results found in the scientific literature, certain questions persist on biostimulation by laser or ultrasound. There is currently no consensus as to the protocol applied in bio stimulation, which explains why the different studies are carried out according to very different protocols. Thus, the majority of studies are conducted on animal subjects, which complicates the interpretation of the results and their possible application to humans. These various elements lead others to agree on the fact that new studies must be applied on subjects in order to obtain the establishment of consensus and therefore the use of biostimilusation in dental offices. Biostimulation seems to be a non-invasive and painless mode of treatment accepted by the patient. However, there is still much to learn about therapeutic dosimetry, the cellular phenomena involved and therapeutic windows.