Deloitte's Engagement Theory dives deeper into specific workplace factors that directly influence employee engagement. Here's how it connects to the four components you're investigating: • Engagement & Communication: Deloitte emphasizes the importance of clear and achievable goals, as well as regular coaching, all of which rely on effective communication between managers and employees. • Engagement & Satisfaction: The theory highlights the need for meaningful work, positive work environments, and growth opportunities. When these aspects are present, employees are more likely to find their work fulfilling and feel satisfied. • Engagement & Motivation: Deloitte identifies "hands-on management" as a key driver of engagement. This translates to providing employees with the tools, autonomy, and support they need to feel motivated to excel. • Engagement & Well-being: A positive work environment, trust in leadership, and opportunities for growth all contribute to employee well-being. Deloitte's theory emphasizes creating a work experience that supports not just productivity but also employee well-being.