How do we see things around us?The objects which emit their own light are called luminous objects.The reason we are able to see any non luminous objects around us is because of the reflection of light.Reflection of light can simply be referred to as change in direction of light or bouncing of light from some surface.The sun, the stars are also luminous objects.No, these objects do not emit their own light.Such objects are called non luminous.Objects made up of wood, plastic, cotton, metal are all non luminous.Just like the ball bounces from the ground, light reflects off from a smooth surface.And this is how we see nonluminous objects.So the formation of the image is also due to reflection of light.This light is further reflected from the surface of the mirror and reaches our eyes.You will probably say it's the eyes that help us to see the objects around us. But will our eyes be able to see these objects in dark?Without light, we cannot see the objects.This light is coming from this source, which is a fluorescent bulb.This bulb is emitting its own light.Can you give me any other examples?Incandescent light bulb.What about objects such as this table and chair?Do they emit their own light?Almost everything around us is non luminous.You see that?