Connecting the disclosures with the Financial disclosures where necessary Entity A, a pharmaceutical company, has been exposed to claims of unethical testing.Billers based on Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Governance Information about the governance processes, controls and procedures a reporting entity uses to monitor and manage sustainability-related risks and opportunitties Risk management Information about how sustainability-related risks and opportunitles are Identified, assessed, prioritised and monitored and whether and how those processes are integrated into its overall risk management framework.Issues the IFS S IFRS $2 Climate-related Disclosures Objective: to disclose information about its exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities, enabling users of an entity's general-purpose financial reporting: Governance: The entity is required to disclose information about the governance body or bodies (which can include a board, committee or equivalent body charged with governance) with oversight of climate related risks and opportunities, and a description of management's role regarding climate-related risks and opportunities.What are the existing mostly used frameworks of Sustainability Reporting FRAMEWORK Description 1-Global Reporting GRI provides guidelines for organizations to report their environmental, Initiative (GRI): social, and governance performance.It is designed to facilitate users of general-purpose financial reports to consume sustainability-related financial information digitally, regulators to require the digital reporting of sustainability-related financial information, and preparers to implement digital reporting of sustainability-related financial information, enabling tagging without undue cost.Therefore, Entity B may need to explain how this strategy to achieve the target led to an increase in capital expenditure and possibly an impairment review of non-energy-efficient machinery, as well as lower (and less volatile) energy prices, increased revenue due to a related increased demand from its customers, and an increase in margins on sales.Entity B adopts a new strategy that involves shifting its procurement of energy to renewable sources and investing in more energy-efficient machinery.Recent development IFRS $1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures Both became effective beginning on or after 1 January 2024 Next The ISSB published the Proposed IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Taxonomy on 27 July 2023.Metrics and targets Information about how an entity measures, monitors and manages sustainability: related risks and opportunitles and assesses its performance, Inciuding progress towards the targets it has set.IFRS Foundation, and Boards A not-for-profit, public interest organization Aims to develop high-quality standards, understandable, enforceable and globally accepted accounting and sustainability disclosure.CDP focuses on reporting and disclosing companies' environmental impact, particularly in terms of carbon emissions.International Integrated Reporting Framework (IRC): 4.Disbanded.