Increased Safety Let's start with the most important reason then, safety.Greater Customer Satisfaction Product information improves the customer experience regardless of what sector you're in. Buyers always want more information about your product, to answer any purchase objections.No time is lost between departments finding data and these little time savings multiplied out over many weeks can be a huge productivity boost.It doesn't even need revolutionary thinking to put into place, just some time, some organisation and maybe some investment in PIM software.It prevents you or your business getting into trouble but most importantly, keeps users of your products healthy and safe.Businesses that have their data accessible to customers and staff members, spend less time having to deal with it. They then have more opportunity to be productive elsewhere.So being transparent about all the details of your products is certain to enhance that trust and develop a relationship.Business is a friendlier world now and people generally don't respond well to pushy sales techniques.Another Unique Selling Point With many businesses so poor at managing their product information, to do it well could act as a unique selling point and provide more marketing opportunities.But it can happen when product information is not kept accurately and displayed prominently.More Efficiency and Productivity There is no doubt that good product information improves the efficiency and productivity of a company.If you're operating an eCommerce business, then you'll know all about how important rich product pages are.Your website needs to be filled with detailed information and images on your range.As I mentioned before, customers love buying from companies that have detailed information about their products, so they're bound to choose you over your rivals if that is what you provide.