Hello, my name is Judy Al-Zaharna. Diabetes is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin, which helps in moderation The blood sugar level is high, so we do not have treatment What they need is insulin, and there are several types Of it, such as turbid, clear, and mixed, and this is notcurrently available) or when the sugar level drops, it may cause them to die.The third reason is our fear for our future, which has become like a cloud dissipating before us. Even my enthusiasm for the important stage that will determine my fate, which is the Tawjihi, has also dissipated for me. I cannot see my future wasting while I am standing and doing nothing.The situation leads to fainting and loss of consciousness, and to treat the decline, they must eat and drink something sweetened.I am filming this video because I need your support to help me and my family get out of Gaza via this link.In the previous days of the war, we were not thinking about leaving Gaza, but the danger of the war began to increase frighteningly every day, and our fear of...The first and most important reason is that we are fighting death every second and we don`t want to lose anyone dear to us as a result of the barbaric bombing of Gaza.The loss of someone dear to us began to take its toll on us and we began to seriously think about leaving Gaza.suffer from a chronic disease, which is diabetes.The decision to leave resulted from some important reasons.We do not have these things, and if they were available, the prices would be very, very high.I am 16 years old.The second reason is that everyone knows that the family is considered the most important thing in life.Without it, a person would be nothing.As for me, most of my family.in Gaza