Almost everyone has indulged in gossiping about other people at some time.Now I'm always worried someone will tell him that I used to gossip about him!" Interestingly though, the number one reason most young people gossip is not insecurity or a need for attention or acceptance. According to polls, most young people say they gossip out of boredom. Some people feel that when there no conflict grama in their social circle, life is too dull. For them, spreading rumors shakes things up and makes life ?more interesting. essence, for many people gossip is a form of entertainment. Cindy LaMott, a 19-year-old student at a community college admits to being a big gossiper. Explains Cindy, "The truth is too boring.I've always felt bad about the part I played in his decision to leave." Other common causes of gossip are insecurity and a need to feel superior. When you spread rumors about someone, it reduces that person's status in other people's eyes. Judging other people negatively can make insecure people feel better about themselves, at least temporarily. Jim Lyle recalls having been guilty of this himself: "When I had been at my first job for about a year, I was hoping for a promotion.Gossip is spread in classrooms, in offices, at restaurants, in hallways, on the street, over the phone, and on the Internet.By excluding the person they are gossiping about, the gossipers feel included.No one is immune to gossiping or being gossiped about.My friend said that if his performance didn't improve, he would be in danger of being fired.