Martin Ritze is a photographer who specializes in capturing stunning images of volcanic eruptions.Volcanoes can erupt at any time, day or night, and visibility is often obstructed by clouds, fog and steam.The dedication Martin shows to his work was evident during the 2010 eruption of the Eyjafjatlikull volcano in Iceland.He endured three sleepless nights in subzero temperatures, managing to get within only three feet of the lava flow.summary Martin is part of a small, dedicated group of volcano chasers.When a dormant volcano becomes active, they book their first flight to be near the site of the eruption.However, the end results of their images, like Martin's, are truly stunning and continue to amaze scientists.While most of the skies in northern Europe were closed due to volcanic ash, Martin was actually on the scene and taking some of his most amazing images.Although Martin has had more accidents mountaineering than chasing volcanoes, he still takes safety precautions.He even took photos of lava fountains, lava explosions that rise up to thirty stories high.