DEPARTEMENT OF COMMERCE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS MODULE: ENGLISH SECTION: C1/C2 INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCE 1.Is buying and selling of products through an electronic medium like the internet.Key roles in commerce: o Producers: are people or businesses that make goods or provide services for example: a backer makes bread; a farmer grows vegetables.o Helps us get what we need and want (food, clothes.......) o Creates jobs o Connects people and countries o Contributes to the overall growth and development of a country 4.o B2B: business to business (websites such as SHOPIFY)B2C: business to consumer (websites such as Amazon) o C2C: consumer to consumer (websites such as eBay) 6.o Consumer: are people who buy goods and services for personal use o Distributors: are businesses that help move goods from producers to consumers.They include supermarkets, department store, online stores, local shops...2.3.5.