First, it delivers study materials and information with great speed and accuracy without the need for a specific place and time. It can also store messages and scientific materials until the receiving party is ready to read them. It provides an interactive relationship between the student, the teacher, and fellow students. It also provides new methods and methods for computer-mediated education. It also works to enhance the use of the network The Internet and the information it contains also facilitates cooperation between local and foreign experts, especially at the level of postgraduate studies from inside or outside the country, and gives ample time for students to think and reflect before answering or giving an opinion, and encourages cooperative education, teamwork and the exchange of opinions between individuals that leads to Develop higher thinking abilities through scientific thinking Access to solving problems, arranging and organizing ideas, and helps overcome shyness and hesitation, as communication tools allow each learner the opportunity to give his opinion at any time and without embarrassment. Trouble even outside official working hours, through e-mail, and finally it helps in multiplicity of teaching methods to suit individual differences, where the scientific material can be received in a way that suits the learners, some of whom are suitable for the visual method, and some of them are suitable for the audio or read method, so e- learning and its sources provide the possibility Apply the sources in different ways.