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IGCC plants consist of three main sections: the 'gas island' for conversion of coal and refinery residues (such as heavy fuel oil, vacuum residues or petroleum coke) including gasification and downstream gas purification (removal of sulphur and heavy metal compounds in accordance with required emissions levels), the air separation unit and the combined-cycle plant.The modular design (of gas generation, gas-turbine system, HRSG and the steam-turbine system) offers the possibility of phased construction as well as retrofitting of CC plants with a gasification plant, thus replacing ,the 'standard' gas-turbine fuels (natural gas or fuel oil) by syngas produced from coal or refinery residues.Currently, over 6 GW of coal and refinery residue based IGCC projects are either under construction or planned.This higher efficiency

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IGCC plants consist of three main sections: the 'gas island' for conversion of coal and refinery residues (such as heavy fuel oil, vacuum residues or petroleum coke) including gasification and downstream gas purification (removal of sulphur and heavy metal compounds in accordance with required emissions levels), the air separation unit and the combined-cycle plant. The modular design (of gas generation, gas-turbine system, HRSG and the steam-turbine system) offers the possibility of phased construction as well as retrofitting of CC plants with a gasification plant, thus replacing ‚the 'standard' gas-turbine fuels (natural gas or fuel oil) by syngas produced from coal or refinery residues. IGCC is, in principle, a combination of two mature technologies. However proper integration is the key to the success of the IGCC projects from lessons learnt from more than 350 gasifiers operating commercially worldwide.
IGCC can be expected to be a field of commercial application in developed countries, such as Italy, for residual refinery fuels and gasified coal. However, a great care needs to be taken in implementing a commercialization strategy for developing countries. The total potential of refinery-based integrated coal gasification combined-cycle (IGCC) plants is estimated to be
135 GW, by 2015. Currently, over 6 GW of coal and refinery residue based IGCC projects are either under construction or planned.
Biomass gasification-combined cycle technology offers several advantages relative to direct combustion-steam cycle and other biomass power technologies. The principal advantage of IGCC plants is its potential for a higher power-generation efficiency in the smaller size range appropriate for biomass power projects. This higher efficiency

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