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A routine is what happens in my day.Ss2: Because of Pharos Corona I attend my lectures online at eight o'clock.Every day I get up and start my day with Al-fajr prayer.Then, my lectures continue until 2:50 in the afternoon.

Original text

A routine is what happens in my day. My day is very regular.
Every day I get up and start my day with Al-fajr prayer.
I eat my breakfast at seven o’clock in the morning With my family.
Ss2: Because of Pharos Corona I attend my lectures online at eight o'clock.
Then, my lectures continue until 2:50 in the afternoon.
After that, I have a lunch and I spend two hours in sleeping. Then I wake up to do my homeworks.
The favorite time of my day is a dinner time with my family. Because we are enjoying each other.
In the evening I go to my room, read some books.
Also I chat with my friends, and then sleep.
Finally, I really like my day to be organized.
I love my routine very much.

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