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Toto is a leading Japanese manufacturer of bathroom ceramic ware, with
annual worldwide sales of around $5 bn. One of its best-selling ranges is
the Washlet lavatory, priced at up to $5,000 and used in most Japanese
homes.Although Toto claims that its Washlet toilet uses less water than
the average model, one factor that may delay its penetration into Europe
is its need for an electrical socket for installation, as these are prohibited
in bathrooms by most European building regulations.

Original text

Toto is a leading Japanese manufacturer of bathroom ceramic ware, with
annual worldwide sales of around $5 bn. One of its best-selling ranges is
the Washlet lavatory, priced at up to $5,000 and used in most Japanese
homes. This has features such as a heated seat, and can play a range of
sounds. This type of toilet is successful in its home market since many

ats are small and crowded, and bathrooms provide valued privacy. Now
Toto hopes to increase its sales in Europe and America, where it faces
a variety of diculties. European countries tend to have their own rules
about lavatory design, so that di erent models have to be made for each
market. Although Toto claims that its Washlet toilet uses less water than
the average model, one factor that may delay its penetration into Europe
is its need for an electrical socket for installation, as these are prohibited
in bathrooms by most European building regulations.

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