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The first solution is public transport which is is a form of travel offered locally that enables more people to travel together along designated routes. Typical examples of types of public transportation includes buses, trains, and trams. High-speed rails, airlines, and coaches dominate public transportation between cities. The advantages of public transportation is that when compared to single occupancy vehicles, public transportation produces 95% less carbon dioxide, 92% fewer volatile organic compounds, 45% less carbon dioxide, and 48% less nitrogen oxide. The second advantage of public transportation is money-saving because catching public transport may be up to four times cheaper than travelling in your car. It can also reduce the cost of buying, maintaining and running additional vehicles, And catching public transport may also improve your mental health. It's less stressful than driving. But the disadvantages of it is the long waiting lines and in some areas, you might also have to wait for quite long until the next bus or train will arrive. Especially in rural regions, the frequency of public transport vehicles will often be rather low and sometimes, there will even only be a few buses a day, And there is a higher chance for infection with diseases since public transport is often crowded and many people will go on a train or on a bus together, the chance for infections with diseases will be generally much higher compared to going by private cars. In many big cities, the public transport systems are quite crowded, especially at rush hour.

The second solution is Electric cars . Like for an example the car Tesla they run at least partially on electricity. Unlike conventional vehicles that use a gasoline or diesel-powered engine, electric cars and trucks use an electric motor powered by electricity from batteries or a fuel cell. In terms of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, electric cars and trucks are often cleaner than even the most efficient conventional vehicles. The first advantage of owning an electrical vehicle is that owners of an EV have the advantage of much lower running costs. The electricity to charge an EV works out around a third as much per kilometre as buying petrol for the same vehicle. The second advantage is that it’s better for the environment because by choosing to drive an EV you are helping to reduce harmful air pollution from exhaust emissions. An EV has zero exhaust emissions. If you use renewable energy to recharge your EV, you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions even further. But like everything is comes with disadvantages as well which are that the electric cars have a shorter range than gas-powered cars and recharging the battery takes time. They are usually more expensive than gas-powered cars ,and It can sometimes be difficult to find a charging station.

Lastly, Both solutions are great solutions but if i were to choose between them i would choose the latter , because personally i would prefer to own an electric vehicle than to use the public transportation, because owning your own car is so much more convenient , and it helps avoiding being late to work and other places you need to attend when you are able to control the way you’re moving around .

Original text

The first solution is public transport which is is a form of travel offered locally that enables more people to travel together along designated routes. Typical examples of types of public transportation includes buses, trains, and trams. High-speed rails, airlines, and coaches dominate public transportation between cities. The advantages of public transportation is that when compared to single occupancy vehicles, public transportation produces 95% less carbon dioxide, 92% fewer volatile organic compounds, 45% less carbon dioxide, and 48% less nitrogen oxide. The second advantage of public transportation is money-saving because catching public transport may be up to four times cheaper than travelling in your car. It can also reduce the cost of buying, maintaining and running additional vehicles, And catching public transport may also improve your mental health. It's less stressful than driving. But the disadvantages of it is the long waiting lines and in some areas, you might also have to wait for quite long until the next bus or train will arrive. Especially in rural regions, the frequency of public transport vehicles will often be rather low and sometimes, there will even only be a few buses a day, And there is a higher chance for infection with diseases since public transport is often crowded and many people will go on a train or on a bus together, the chance for infections with diseases will be generally much higher compared to going by private cars. In many big cities, the public transport systems are quite crowded, especially at rush hour.

The second solution is Electric cars . Like for an example the car Tesla they run at least partially on electricity. Unlike conventional vehicles that use a gasoline or diesel-powered engine, electric cars and trucks use an electric motor powered by electricity from batteries or a fuel cell. In terms of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, electric cars and trucks are often cleaner than even the most efficient conventional vehicles. The first advantage of owning an electrical vehicle is that owners of an EV have the advantage of much lower running costs. The electricity to charge an EV works out around a third as much per kilometre as buying petrol for the same vehicle. The second advantage is that it’s better for the environment because by choosing to drive an EV you are helping to reduce harmful air pollution from exhaust emissions. An EV has zero exhaust emissions. If you use renewable energy to recharge your EV, you can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions even further. But like everything is comes with disadvantages as well which are that the electric cars have a shorter range than gas-powered cars and recharging the battery takes time. They are usually more expensive than gas-powered cars ,and It can sometimes be difficult to find a charging station.

Lastly, Both solutions are great solutions but if i were to choose between them i would choose the latter , because personally i would prefer to own an electric vehicle than to use the public transportation, because owning your own car is so much more convenient , and it helps avoiding being late to work and other places you need to attend when you are able to control the way you’re moving around .

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