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Q2-B) Appropriate solutions to problems of labor relations:
1-Solutions to address requests for increased employee salaries:
The employer or the organization's manager must continually deal with requests to raise the employee's wages.(2) Use a pharmacy management program such as FrameMaker, which enables you to determine the powers of a pharmacist assistant, registration of alternative medicines, inventory registration, inventory of stores, also helps to follow up on expired medicines and instructions on the near end of the powers of stored medicines.o The appointment of a supervisor for occupational safety, the supervisor ensures the activation of occupational safety in all branches and sections within the organization, also follow the requirements and requirements of occupational safety to reduce accidents.Ignoring this problem may lead to the resignation of the talented and skilled employee and their search for job opportunities in other institutions, thus adversely affecting the organization's performance.Such as, fire hazards that can cause material losses and losses if they occur, also the risks of theft and natural disasters, securing warehouses and workplaces is very important to everyone.3- Solutions to address the lack of expertise and skills:
One of the studies indicates that training is one of the motivational methods that help the development of staff and gaining experience and knowledge in all areas.These factors are as follows:
o Record deficiencies in the statements: Meeting the needs of clients of drugs is important, this process makes them happy to deal with you, but the presence of deficiencies in medicines makes customers frequented by you from time to time, and this is not good, and ultimately can lose your customers.2- Solutions to address occupational health and safety problems:
There are many occupational health and safety steps that organizations should follow in order to avoid risks and accidents that may occur in the workplace.o The implementation of many exercises that earn the workers experience in how to deal with accidents and evacuation methods.o The organization must periodically issue posters, leaflets and posters to keep abreast of developments and developments related to occupational health and safety.And achieve the best results.

Original text

Q2-B) Appropriate solutions to problems of labor relations:
1-Solutions to address requests for increased employee salaries:
The employer or the organization's manager must continually deal with requests to raise the employee's wages. Ignoring this problem may lead to the resignation of the talented and skilled employee and their search for job opportunities in other institutions, thus adversely affecting the organization's performance. (Andra Picincu, 2019)
There are also many organizations that use the best systems and techniques to monitor their employees' performance. These systems help managers in the process of evaluating employee performance and thus the organization can reward the outstanding employee.
The organization must also consider offering other motives and privileges according to the financial means available to the organization. These motivations make the employee or worker happy in the workplace and provide the best effort to achieve the organization's goals.

2- Solutions to address occupational health and safety problems:
There are many occupational health and safety steps that organizations should follow in order to avoid risks and accidents that may occur in the workplace. These steps are as follows:
• Use tools, protective equipment and personal safety of workers at work, and not underestimate the importance of using them.
• The organization must provide a first aid kit in all sections and branches of the organization; this process helps in the speed of dealing with minor injuries.
• The appointment of a supervisor for occupational safety, the supervisor ensures the activation of occupational safety in all branches and sections within the organization, also follow the requirements and requirements of occupational safety to reduce accidents.
• The implementation of many exercises that earn the workers experience in how to deal with accidents and evacuation methods. These exercises help to raise the level of readiness of workers in the event of an accident within the organization.
• The organization must periodically issue posters, leaflets and posters to keep abreast of developments and developments related to occupational health and safety. These publications help raise the level of awareness among workers and thus reduce injuries within the organization. (Jesse Ryan, 2017) Muscat Pharmacy will insure all its branches and divisions of risks or accidents that may be exposed in the future. Such as, fire hazards that can cause material losses and losses if they occur, also the risks of theft and natural disasters, securing warehouses and workplaces is very important to everyone. Insurance also avoids the employer losing a lot of money in case of injury or accident.

3- Solutions to address the lack of expertise and skills:
One of the studies indicates that training is one of the motivational methods that help the development of staff and gaining experience and knowledge in all areas. Training is very important for the individual and for the organization. Through training, individuals and employees can gain knowledge experience and thus in the future can do better. And achieve the best results. (Sumaiya Shafiq, 2017)
There are many solutions to help avoid this problem. These solutions are as follows:
(1) The pharmacy owner must train the assistant pharmacists on several factors that are important for their experience and knowledge in the field of work. These factors are as follows:
• Record deficiencies in the statements: Meeting the needs of clients of drugs is important, this process makes them happy to deal with you, but the presence of deficiencies in medicines makes customers frequented by you from time to time, and this is not good, and ultimately can lose your customers.
• Exchange of alternative medicines: The primary responsibility for the disbursement of drugs is the pharmacist, but sometimes requires the pharmacist's assistant to identify alternative medicines, this process helps the pharmacist assistant to cover the work of the pharmacist period of leave or rotation.
• Drug prices and places of storage: The pharmacist's assistant should be informed of the places where medications are kept and the prices to be avoided from time to time to avoid the error. Often a change occurs in the varieties of medicines and companies producing them, and constantly changing prices.
(2) Use a pharmacy management program such as FrameMaker, which enables you to determine the powers of a pharmacist assistant, registration of alternative medicines, inventory registration, inventory of stores, also helps to follow up on expired medicines and instructions on the near end of the powers of stored medicines.

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