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Despite the opportunities that the Internet affords (through anonymity and reduced information richness) for disclosing one's actual self, it also has features (asynchronicity, multiple audiences, published audience feedback) that discourage disclosure.It would also be fruitful to independently vary these different characteristics in order to determine whether some characteristics dominate others, as well as whether any characteristics (such as anonymity) are a necessary and/or sufficient condition for self-disclosure versus self- presentation concerns to dictate what is posted.Future research should continue to shed further light on teasing apart whether and why people self-disclosure or manage impressions on social media by varying different characteristics of the medium.Although people expect that disclosing more online leads to more positive outcomes [52], self-presentation often prevails.Those posting on social media have become performers who present an edited version of themselves that they believe will be best received by others, often managing their reputations through what they post and managing what others' post about them [53].In fact, such self-presentation concerns of what to post on social media can reduce enjoy- ment of real-life experiences [54].This managed impression of one's online persona does not preclude disclosing facts about the self.Posters may share facts about themselves if such facts reflect favorably upon them.

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Despite the opportunities that the Internet affords (through anonymity and reduced information richness) for disclosing one’s actual self, it also has features (asynchronicity, multiple audiences, published audience feedback) that discourage disclosure. Although people expect that disclosing more online leads to more positive outcomes [52], self-presentation often prevails. Those posting on social media have become performers who present an edited version of themselves that they believe will be best received by others, often managing their reputations through what they post and managing what others’ post about them [53]. In fact, such self-presentation concerns of what to post on social media can reduce enjoy- ment of real-life experiences [54]. This managed impression of one’s online persona does not preclude disclosing facts about the self. Posters may share facts about themselves if such facts reflect favorably upon them. Future research should continue to shed further light on teasing apart whether and why people self-disclosure or manage impressions on social media by varying different characteristics of the medium. It would also be fruitful to independently vary these different characteristics in order to determine whether some characteristics dominate others, as well as whether any characteristics (such as anonymity) are a necessary and/or sufficient condition for self-disclosure versus self- presentation concerns to dictate what is posted.

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