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To conclude, many of the processing-induced nutrient losses in plant foods can be avoided or minimized by careful attention to the processing and subsequent storage.
• Everyday processes such as soaking, de-hulling, parboiling of rice, germination and fermentation can be used to improve the nutritional value of foods.
Processes that remove the anti-nutritional components have a significant impact on the bioavailability of nutrients. And have to be encouraged and supported as part of the routine processing of cereals and legumes.
Calcium, iron, and zinc are the most commonly deficient minerals in the diets of infants and children in many developing countries. Their deficiency within the diet, combined with the low rates of absorption, has severe implications for growth and development. However, simple food processing techniques can help ameliorate this problem. (3)
Processing foods is important to achieve optimal sensory and healthy attributes within the food product.
Storage of food materials is also important to increase the shelf life of the product and make it available for future use and processing. Because storage and processing of foods are inevitable, the need to devise methods to at least minimize the adverse effects of these processes is necessary. These effects can be reduced by the following recommendations:
• Strictly follow the storage conditions of temperature and relative humidity for a particular food product and also avoid temperature fluctuations.
• Adopt high energy transfer processing method such as (HTST) to reduce the treatment time.
• Adopt new processing methods like high hydrostatic pressure technology, ohmic heating, and ultrasound technologies wherever necessary.
• Improve temperature, humidity control, and packaging systems in food storage and distributions
• It is also recommended that people should be educated on the effect of over-processing on the nutrients and suggest possible ways to avoid it. This can be achieved through radio jingles and or the use of extension workers.

Original text

To conclude, many of the processing-induced nutrient losses in plant foods can be avoided or minimized by careful attention to the processing and subsequent storage.
• Everyday processes such as soaking, de-hulling, parboiling of rice, germination and fermentation can be used to improve the nutritional value of foods.
Processes that remove the anti-nutritional components have a significant impact on the bioavailability of nutrients. And have to be encouraged and supported as part of the routine processing of cereals and legumes.
Calcium, iron, and zinc are the most commonly deficient minerals in the diets of infants and children in many developing countries. Their deficiency within the diet, combined with the low rates of absorption, has severe implications for growth and development. However, simple food processing techniques can help ameliorate this problem. (3)
Processing foods is important to achieve optimal sensory and healthy attributes within the food product. Storage of food materials is also important to increase the shelf life of the product and make it available for future use and processing. Because storage and processing of foods are inevitable, the need to devise methods to at least minimize the adverse effects of these processes is necessary. These effects can be reduced by the following recommendations:
• Strictly follow the storage conditions of temperature and relative humidity for a particular food product and also avoid temperature fluctuations.
• Adopt high energy transfer processing method such as (HTST) to reduce the treatment time.
• Adopt new processing methods like high hydrostatic pressure technology, ohmic heating, and ultrasound technologies wherever necessary.
• Improve temperature, humidity control, and packaging systems in food storage and distributions
• It is also recommended that people should be educated on the effect of over-processing on the nutrients and suggest possible ways to avoid it. This can be achieved through radio jingles and or the use of extension workers.

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