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Psychoanalysis theory is ahypothesis regarding personality structure and it's developmental processes that guide empirical psychology , and is considered a psychological approach used in the treatment of mental illness .In English language the term psychoanalysis and analytical psychology is used .In the late nineteenth century Sigmund Freud developed the first theory of psychoanalysis, and subsequently under went several modification.

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Psychoanalysis theory is ahypothesis regarding personality structure and it's developmental processes that guide empirical psychology , and is considered a psychological approach used in the treatment of mental illness . In the late nineteenth century Sigmund Freud developed the first theory of psychoanalysis, and subsequently under went several modification. In the last third of the twentieth century the theory of psychoanalysis emerged fully as part of a worsening critical dialog on psychological therapies in the post – 1960s , and long after Freud's death in 1939, his theory because widely disputed and rejected. Freud stopped his work on brain imaging and physiological science and changed his overall focus on the study of the subconscious and the psychological features that make up it, and on treatment using the mechanisms of free association and transport phenomena. His research highlights the significance of becoming conscious of events in childhood that may influence adult mental functioning . The properties of psychoanalysis theory have been established by his work on genetic , genetics and genetics and it's developmental aspects – His theories began to gain prominence beginning with the publication of in 1899. In English language the term psychoanalysis and analytical psychology is used . The second terms is considered the oldest and initially simply meant "Everything related to the analysis of the human psyche " But with psychoanalysis emerging as a clinical procedure separately, both terms have become a way to describe it. Thought both are still in use until now , the normal definition is psychoanalysis .

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