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In this digital age where everything is being digitalized and modernized, these types of training have become a standard norm.Based on the regression analysis, on-the-job training beta value stands at 0.370 with a significant value of 0.000 which means that on-the-job training has a positive significant impact on employee performance.Supported by various empirical studies together with references of relevant models and theories, the summary of findings is being discussed below.Training is among the most crucial activity in an organization due to its ability to enhance individual strengths and performances which could eventually be leading to achieving organizational goals (Abudi, 2008).At the same time, it is also vital for the organization to access posttraining evaluation as it is also crucial in helping to identify the effectiveness of the overall program and not only limited to the training method.Future studies may also include more variables or mediating factors in order to obtain a more comprehensive approach to studies on the impact of training methods.There are cases when conducting an onsite training will not suffice for the requirements of the job wherein there is no other go, rather than opting for a crash course.

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In this digital age where everything is being digitalized and modernized, these types of training have become a standard norm. There are cases when conducting an onsite training will not suffice for the requirements of the job wherein there is no other go, rather than opting for a crash course.
For instance, the recruitment of persons for those jobs which need a heavy amount of correlating with the external clients. Hence, it is the decision of the company solely to determine whether an onsite or an offsite course is needed and act accordingly.
Training is among the most crucial activity in an organization due to its ability to enhance individual strengths and performances which could eventually be leading to achieving organizational goals (Abudi, 2008). This research work is performed to examine the impact of training methods on employee performance. The variables adopted in this research are on-the-job training and off-the-job training. This study comes with two objectives which are to examine the impact of on-the-job training and off-the-job training on employee performance. Supported by various empirical studies together with references of relevant models and theories, the summary of findings is being discussed below. Based on the results generated on descriptive statistics, on-the-job training score a high number mean value of 3.898 with a standard deviation value of 0.639. The correlation analysis shows the value of 0.711 with a significant value of 0.000 explained that on-the-job training has a positive significant relationship with employee performance. Based on the regression analysis, on-the-job training beta value stands at 0.370 with a significant value of 0.000 which means that on-the-job training has a positive significant impact on employee performance. Off-the-job training holds the mean value of 3.761 and standard deviation of 0.699 which also suggested that off-the-job training has a strong and significant impact on employee performance. Off-the-job training obtained a correlation value of 0.777 with a significant value of 0.000 is also showing similar findings where it also has a positive significant relationship with employee performance. Finally, the beta value of 0.546 with a significant value of 0.000 indicates off-the-job training has a positive significant impact on employee performance. Based on the beta value reading, the researcher also found that off-the-job training has a higher impact compared to on-the-job training. As we are aware, there is no single training method that suits all. Hence, the Human Resource Department, particularly the Training and Development practitioner should constantly evaluate the best approach of training from time to time. At the same time, it is also vital for the organization to access posttraining evaluation as it is also crucial in helping to identify the effectiveness of the overall program and not only limited to the training method. Future studies may also include more variables or mediating factors in order to obtain a more comprehensive approach to studies on the impact of training methods. It is also suggested that future research may consider looking into analyzing the relationship and impact between training needs and training methods which will enable an in-depth understanding of the subject matter.

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