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Proportion of 47% said that the Earth is warming more rapidly because of the greenhouses gases, while minority (29%) agree that it is because of the carbon dioxide, and small number which is (24%) are totally convinced that the reason is oxygen .Close to half percent (47%) convinced that the best solution to get rid of global warming is to increase the natural cover rate, on the other hand 41% of respondents can see that replacing energy sources can reduce the global warming, and few respondents (12%) agreed that stop urban sprawl is the best solution.

Original text

Proportion of 47% said that the Earth is warming more rapidly because of the greenhouses gases, while minority (29%) agree that it is because of the carbon dioxide, and small number which is (24%) are totally convinced that the reason is oxygen .
A large number (56%) of respondents agree that the large global warming of this degree is due to pollution, one third (38%) of people say that the reason is due to mankind, and minority percentage (6%) think that the reason is dehydration.
We can see that 47% believed that the global warming can cause burning forests and extinction of some animals, while 41% agreed that it can cause extinction some animals only, and just (12%) see that global warming can cause burning forests.
Close to half percent (47%) convinced that the best solution to get rid of global warming is to increase the natural cover rate, on the other hand 41% of respondents can see that replacing energy sources can reduce the global warming, and few respondents (12%) agreed that stop urban sprawl is the best solution. One half (36%) see that the most factor that causes the global warming is the cutting of trees and the collapse of vegetation around the ground, and the other third (35%) think that the most important factor is air pollution, on the other hand, and few percentage (29%) believed that chemical

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