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Financial directors who keep up with the times and use Business Intelligence in financial services and thereby automate reporting and reduce the amount of manual and routine work in the activities of financial departments.And their assistant is a BI system that collects, analyzes, and integrates disparate data from all IT systems into understandable reports.

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Financial directors who keep up with the times and use Business Intelligence in financial services and thereby automate reporting and reduce the amount of manual and routine work in the activities of financial departments. They control all processes in the company, are engaged in strategic planning and business development, and are the right hand of the CEO and owner. And their assistant is a BI system that collects, analyzes, and integrates disparate data from all IT systems into understandable reports.

We have already mentioned the positive aspects of using Business Intelligence in financial services. Now let’s dig a little deeper and take a closer look at how businesses will benefit from the implementation of financial Business Intelligence.

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