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.Trichomes or plant hairs is elongate tubular out growth in epidermal cells , the base is embedded in the epidermal cell is the foot , the free project portion is the body which is characteristic feature for leaves of senna and Digitalis .o The cutin is an aggregate of modified condensed or oxygenated fatty acids known as cutinogenic acids .The epidermal cells may be extend outwards as conical projection called papillae as in coca and senna leaves .

Original text

. • The cutin is an aggregate of modified condensed or oxygenated fatty acids known as cutinogenic acids . The cuticle oxidized and destroy by nitric acid . The anticlinal cell may be thickened as in digitalis leaves . The epidermal cells may be extend outwards as conical projection called papillae as in coca and senna leaves . Trichomes or plant hairs is elongate tubular out growth in epidermal cells , the base is embedded in the epidermal cell is the foot , the free project portion is the body which is characteristic feature for leaves of senna and Digitalis . Trichomes Types 1- Covering trichome : may be unicellular short conical as in senna and tea leaves . or unbranched multicellular in Digitalis 3-4 cells long , 3 - cells in Datura stramonium and 4-5 cells in Belladonna . 2- Glandular trichome multicellular with spherical secreting cells at the apex . The stalk is long multicellular as in family Solanaceae , short in Labiatae .

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