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A sitcom is a situation comedy without an
ending.It consists of episodes, but the situation
goes on. The television sitcom was born in
the 1940s and 1950s.It had originally existed
as a radio show that listeners would tune into
every week to spend some time with familiar
characters they grew to know and liked.

Original text

A sitcom is a situation comedy without an
ending. It consists of episodes, but the situation
goes on. The television sitcom was born in
the 1940s and 1950s. It had originally existed
as a radio show that listeners would tune into
every week to spend some time with familiar
characters they grew to know and liked.
When television arrived in the late 1940s, shows
were filmed in front of a live studio audience,
with three cameras recording everything for later
editing. In the 60s sitcoms combined fantasy
with comedy and used a laugh track instead of
a live studio audience. In the 70s social issues
were included, but in the 80s there was a return
to the original family concept, the most important
success factor behind sitcoms.
Nowadays shows are filmed with a single
camera, on location or on studio sets, with no
laugh track or live audience

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