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Masks have been worn in ceremonies in Europe for more than 30,000 years.In many tribes, masks also had a significant role in special ceremonies, such as when boys became men or men became members of a secret society.For example, in China, soldiers in battles wore masks with terrifying faces to keep them safe and scare the enemy.

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Masks have been worn in ceremonies in Europe for more than 30,000 years. In traditional cultures, it was usually the older, more respected men who wore masks. Very old drawings show men looking like animals. Today, some men wear animal costumes to get an animal-like strength when they hunt. The belief that it gave you strength was also the reason for wearing masks in the past.

In many tribes, masks also had a significant role in special ceremonies, such as when boys became men or men became members of a secret society. In these cultures, people believed the traditional stories that said wearing a mask would give you special powers. For example, in China, soldiers in battles wore masks with terrifying faces to keep them safe and scare the enemy.

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