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Individuals vary in capabilities, experiences, and skills in the level of living, educational, occupational, and others, and cooperation or solidarity is a wonderful human behavior for exchanging and sharing different skills and experiences, which benefits the individual and society as a whole.

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Cooperation is defined as human behavior and one of the patterns of human organization in which assistance and aid are exchanged between individuals, groups and institutions, and the sharing of capabilities, resources and material and moral capabilitiesThe importance of cooperation lies in developing love and affection between individuals, eliminating many societal problems such as poverty, unemployment and violence, sharing, transmitting and benefiting from ideas and creations, and better achieving public and private interests.
Individuals vary in capabilities, experiences, and skills in the level of living, educational, occupational, and others, and cooperation or solidarity is a wonderful human behavior for exchanging and sharing different skills and experiences, which benefits the individual and society as a whole.

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