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Barter system is a system of direct exchange of goods that was used thousands of years ago.In FOUR sentences, summarise and paraphrase the above passage in answer to the following question:
Why wasn't the barter system a very practical one?People's needs for goods rarely coincided; a man needed salt could not find someone selling it for tusks.People used to exchange goods such as grain, salt, cattle ......etc.

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Sammary Making
Barter system is a system of direct exchange of goods that was used thousands of years ago. People used to exchange goods such as grain, salt, cattle ……etc. People's needs for goods rarely coincided; a man needed salt could not find someone selling it for tusks. Moreover, the prices for goods were difficult to be equal to each other. For example, the shells were far cheaper to be exchanged for cattle and so on. The movement of some goods was a burden; the person who wanted to exchange cattle for another item had to pay for help to move it to the market place. Some people lost using this system because their goods were broken or rotten before they could exchange them. Only then, the practical durable system of money appeared.
In FOUR sentences, summarise and paraphrase the above passage in answer to the following question:
Why wasn't the barter system a very practical one?

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