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You can control the size of an image using the width and height properties in CSS, just like you can for any other box, Specifying image sizes helps pages to load more smoothly because the HTML and CSS code will often load before the images, There are two ways to align images: 1-the float property is added to the class that was created.-The background-image property allows you to place an image behind any HTML element.2-repeat-x:image is repeated horizontally only.

Original text

You can control the size of an image using the width and height properties in CSS, just like you can for any other box, Specifying image sizes helps pages to load more smoothly because the HTML and CSS code will often load before the images, There are two ways to align images: 1-the float property is added to the class that was created. 2-New classes are created with names such as align-left or align-right.
-In order to center an image, it should be turned into a blocklevel element using the display property with a value of block.
-The background-image property allows you to place an image behind any HTML element. This could be the entire page or just part of the page. By default, a background image will repeat to fill the entire box.
We have something called background-repeat and it can have four values: 1-repeat : image is repeated horizontally and vertically. 2-repeat-x:image is repeated horizontally only. 3-repeat-y: image is repeated vertically only. 4-no-repeat. Using CSS, it is possible to create a link or button that changes to a second style when a user moves their mouse over it (known as a rollover) and a third style when they click on it.If you want to overlay text on a background image, the image must be low contrast in order for the text to be legible.

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