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Veles is the Slavic deity of pastures, fields, forests and animals.Although Veles was considered to be a mischievous one due to his constant feuds with Perun, the deity of thunder, he was still worshiped across the lands for successful hunt and bountiful crops.

Original text

Veles is the Slavic deity of pastures, fields, forests and animals. In legends, Veles was capable of turning into any animal to wander the lands; however it was believed that his favorite form was that of a bear. Although Veles was considered to be a mischievous one due to his constant feuds with Perun, the deity of thunder, he was still worshiped across the lands for successful hunt and bountiful crops. Veles charms and idols were popular representations of kindness and dormant strength within, qualities that were often attributed to bears.

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