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Summarize result (50%)

" NaeiL is a very good translator. His Modern Standard Arabic is very smooth and contains a natural flow. I will definitely look forward to hiring him again in the future. I hope for him the best in his future endeavors."- I have been translating in many fields, particularly medical, legal, technical, general, financial and website content translation." We enjoy working with NaeiL and we will keep working on more projects. Very fast, respecting deadlines and excellent quality translation."- I guarantee quality, speed, accuracy, attention to details and instructions, commitment to agreed deadlines, consideration of the addressed/target audience."Amazing freelancer very helpful as well as quality work, perfect timing."

Original text

" NaeiL is a very good translator. His Modern Standard Arabic is very smooth and contains a natural flow. I will definitely look forward to hiring him again in the future. I hope for him the best in his future endeavors."
" We enjoy working with NaeiL and we will keep working on more projects. Very fast, respecting deadlines and excellent quality translation."
"Very great job done. Easy to communicate with and helps you out with all your doubts."
"Amazing freelancer very helpful as well as quality work, perfect timing."

There are examples of what clients said about my service in my office and i promise to provide a great experience for you too.

  • I have been translating in many fields, particularly medical, legal, technical, general, financial and website content translation.

  • I guarantee quality, speed, accuracy, attention to details and instructions, commitment to agreed deadlines, consideration of the addressed/target audience. Every project, whether it's a few words, hundreds or thousands of words will be given the highest care and delivered with utmost quality. Moreover, I am keen on following up with my clients before, during and after project delivery, to ensure full satisfaction.

  • My goal with every job is to take care of all details and to produce a high-quality translation.

Looking forward to working with you,

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