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Intro :
We need a special on the job training and coaching method for the personnel while on the job.Identifying training methods:
Once the skill is identified, it just ttakes a little bit of tuning to get them on track.Need topersonally evaluate executives first and then find out how they need to be trained and what is lacking currently.Desgin an optimal training plan:
Keeping in mind that this is a on-the-job training and that there is a tie constraint, a suitable training plan needs to be carefully formulated.Identify and Solve:
Reach out to the reps by different methods and at different points in time to identify the queries or problems that may arise among them and try and find a fix at the preceding session itself.Forecast timeline:
Once formulated, the training needs to be conducted.??????

Original text

Intro :
We need a special on the job training and coaching method for the personnel while on the job. There is a constraint that there is no available training program to send them.
 Understanding job requirements :
Gather informaton of what are the basic req. that the executive must possess to be able to deliver.
 Identifying training methods:
Once the skill is identified, it just ttakes a little bit of tuning to get them on track. Need topersonally evaluate executives first and then find out how they need to be trained and what is lacking currently.
 Desgin an optimal training plan:
Keeping in mind that this is a on-the-job training and that there is a tie constraint, a suitable training plan needs to be carefully formulated.
 Forecast timeline:
Once formulated, the training needs to be conducted. It is effective to bring in a guest-trainer for a few sessions as well. Also ensure that the training is always at par with the timeline projected.
 Identify and Solve:
Reach out to the reps by different methods and at different points in time to identify the queries or problems that may arise among them and try and find a fix at the preceding session itself.
 Measuring effecticveness:
Post session survey and anonymous feedback writing can be helpful to find out the effectiveness of the program. Couple of questionnaires can also be handed out for the reps to fill them. Try and evaluate to find out whether they have grasped the ideologies.
The above plan will be sufficient for Humaid to up thelevel of customer service going forward. And going forward, her can draft a performance review system by taking out sample calls of each reps and ranking them for future promotions and appraisal.

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