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1.European higher education is no exception to this internationalisation trend:

The success of the erasmus programme and the rapid growth of English-medium instruction (EMI) in most European universities during the pastdecades attest to this tendency (wachter & maiworm, 2008, 2014).

Original text

  1. Introduction

    It is widely accepted that in our connected and globalised world, multilingual and intercultural skills are increasingly necessary among professionals, who need to be competent in communicating with culturally diverse people. European higher education is no exception to this internationalisation trend:

The success of the erasmus programme and the rapid growth of English-medium instruction (EMI) in most European universities during the pastdecades attest to this tendency (wächter & maiworm, 2008, 2014).
Unsurprisingly, global, international and intercultural skills (knight, 2004; soria & troisi, 2014) have particularly been in the spotlight for the past two decades and their role in enhancingstudents’ employability and improvingcommunication between host and foreign studentshas been recognised (bocanegra-valle, 2015b; holmes & o’neill, 2005
Indeed, a good command of a foreign languagealone does not guarantee success in an international professional or academic context(dervin, 2010)

  1. Language and Culture

Montgomery and reid-thomas (1994) maintain that teaching and learning a language require the integration of culture. In fact, language and culture are inseparable as people use language not only to communicate but to transmit their cultures as well

In this respect, byram (1989) suggests that: “foreign language teaching should enrich and raise learners’ knowledge of language and culture”, i.E foreign language teachingshould pay attention to both cultural and language content since they form one core in order to raise students’ language and cultural knowledge.

In this respect, byram (1989) suggests that: “foreign language teaching should enrich and raise learners’ knowledge of language and culture”, i.E foreign language teachingshould pay attention to both cultural and language content since they form one core in order to raise students’ language and cultural knowledge.

Studying culture gives students a reason to studythe target language as well as rendering the study of L2 meaningful. From the perspective of learners, one of the major problems in language teaching is to conceive of the native speakers of the target language as real persons

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