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The economy of the Slavs.This is confirmed by archaeological excavations that found seeds of cereals (rye, wheat, barley, millet) and garden crops (turnips, cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, garlic, etc.).The main occupation of the Eastern Slavs was agriculture.

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The economy of the Slavs. The main occupation of the Eastern Slavs was agriculture. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations that found seeds of cereals (rye, wheat, barley, millet) and garden crops (turnips, cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, garlic, etc.). The person in those days identified life with arable land and bread, hence the name of the grain crops "zhito", preserved to this day. About the agricultural traditions of this region says the adoption of the Roman bread standard by the Slavs - the quadrantal (26.26 liters), called in Chetverik and existing in our system of measures and weights until 1924. With the natural and climatic conditions, the basic systems of farming of the Eastern Slavs are closely related.
In the north, in the area of the taiga forests (the remainder of which is the Belovezhskaya Pushcha), the dominant system of agriculture was slash and fire. In the first year the trees were cut down. In the second year, the dried trees were burned and, using ashes as a fertilizer, they sowed grain. Two or three years the site yielded a high harvest for that time, then the land was depleted, and it was necessary to move to a new site. The main tools there were an ax, as well as a hoe, a plow, a harrow-sukovatka and spade, which loosened the soil. Sickles harvested harvest. Threshing in chains. Grind the grain with stone grain handles and hand grindstones. In the southern regions, the leading system of agriculture was a prologue. There fertile land was plentiful, and plots of land were planted for two to three years or more. With the depletion of soil passed (shifted) to new sites. As the main tools of labor, they used a plow, a ralo, a wooden plow with an iron ploughshare, i.e., tools adapted for horizontal plowing. Livestock breeding was closely connected with agricultural employment. Slavs bred pigs, cows, small cattle.
As draft livestock used in the south of the oxen, in the forest belt - horses. Among other Slavic activities, one should mention fishing, hunting, bee-keeping (gathering honey of wild bees), which had a large share in the northern regions. Cultivated and technical crops (flax, hemp).

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