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scenarios in which they
would want the system to recognize people who are around but not necessarily interacting with (or looking at)

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scenarios in which they
would want the system to recognize people who are around but not necessarily interacting with (or looking at)
them. As T2 described, “Let's say I was in my building, and my sink is not working, and the maintenance guy
passes me by; he is not trying to interact with me, but I know I need to talk to him; … so it would be helpful, if the
machine could say, oh maintenance guy is to your left, and then I can actually initiate contact myself.” Participants
also preferred to have the option to pick the recognition distance based on their needs in different situations.
“It is hard for a blind person to get the attention of a waiter when you do not know where they are. So you could
possibly scan around with the device [and] maybe it could tell you where the waiter is standing roughly when they
are far away.

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